
Spring Storms

Some real thunderstorms, maybe‽ We wait with bated breath.

5 comments left


Dan McKeown +1

Alex! Tumbledry looks funny for some reason! Everything is in plain text and there are no graphics, what is wrong with my computer?

Alexander Micek

Drat! Vanessa has been having the same problem-o. Did it start around, say, May 3?

Alexander Micek

And, to clarify, there were no thunderstorms. AND, I changed something on May 3, and perhaps that screwed things up.

Trying to fix it!

Alexander Micek

After a few days of thinking about this… I think I fixed it. Problem: I had inadvertently turned on byte-order marks (BOM). Interestingly enough, BOMs are invisible… so it wasn’t immediately obvious what was wrong. TextWrangler (which I am pretty new to since I haven’t used my Mac to do much website coding) was inserting those marks at the beginning of files I had edited in the past few weeks…

Firefox and IE barfed when they saw the BOMs. Safari did not not. So, I never saw the problem. Sorry.

Let me know if it is fixed!

Dan McKeown

Looks good now! Thank you Alex. I was very worried for a second. I do hate it when MFF barfs.

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