

I’ve an image file on my computer that says “Life is beautiful.” I was going to print it out and hang it up until I realized this: I don’t think the word “beauty” is enough to capture this life. (“Life is many things, including beautiful” probably wouldn’t read well on the wall.) The shortcomings of this adjective make me think there’s one problem with intense, focused training: it reveals the world to the participant in one dimension, from one angle, in one color, from one perspective. Yet the glory of living pushes out from the uncountable, myriad aspects of reality.

I hope I don’t miss it all because I was attempting to write about it.

5 comments left


Richard Roche

Life is ok I guess


Maybe there was some undetected sarcasm in Ricardo’s post. Also, I didn’t know you had a website until right now Richard. I’m gonna have to keep tabs on that one now too, it’s a pretty cool site/blog. So props to that.

Richard Roche

I was actually trying to come up with another phrase that didn’t do justice to describing life, maybe if I had put it in quotes that would have made it clearer. Like this:

“Life is neat!”

Thanks for the comments on the blog though, I’m loving the way it motivates me to stay observant on a daily basis instead of letting life’s beautiful moments pass me by.

Alexander Micek

Aha, I get it! Happy to help spread the word on Richard’s thoughtful online space.

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