Keanu Reeves: I know HTML.
Alek Trebek: No, Keanu, for the last time, you don’t know HTML.
Alexander Micek
Trebek: Well, all you had to do was write down a number. And you wrote… Threeve. A combination of three and five. Simply stunning. And you wagered… ‘Texas’ with a dollar sign in front of it. I’m speechless.
Keanu Reeves: I know HTML.
Alek Trebek: No, Keanu, for the last time, you don’t know HTML.
Alexander Micek
Trebek: Well, all you had to do was write down a number. And you wrote… Threeve. A combination of three and five. Simply stunning. And you wagered… ‘Texas’ with a dollar sign in front of it. I’m speechless.
Sean Connery: Suck it Trebek!