
Aptera Hybrid

The forthcoming Aptera Typ-1 h will be a gasoline electric hybrid getting 300 miles to the gallon. What’s exciting about it is two-fold: (1) it will be under 30k and (2) the company selling these cars is already profitable, having earned back it’s R&D through pre-sales of the all-electric Typ-1 e model. Popular Mechanics weighed in with a fun article featuring a bunch of great pictures, and this classic quote:

The large front windshield lets you see everyone and everything. And in this car, what you see is everyone staring back at you: Aptera’s three-wheeler attracted more attention than anything we’ve ever driven—anything. People will roll down their windows at every stoplight and want to know what this weirdly futuristic thing is. If you’re parked, they swarm the car.

This Typ-1 e really is one of the coolest looking cars I have ever seen — and a lot of that is because there’s form, function, safety, affordability, and novelty all in one package. Nicest touch: a solar panel on the roof to trickle charge and moderate summer heat build-up.

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