
Halloween Anecdote

A recent post from defective yeti about serving trick-or-treaters called Halloween: Post Mortem reminds me how funny Mr. Matthew Baldwin’s writing is. Why did I ever stop reading?

The quantity of trick-or-treaters they expected to receive was described to us as “a lot.” I took this to mean, like, 100. Instead, it was more like “a throng” or “a battalion” … possibly even “a multitude.” I don’t know what time they opened their front door (the insanity was already well on its way by the time we arrived at 6:00), but it did not close again until well after 9:00. The stream of kidmanity was ceaseless.

Our friends had purchased 100 pounds of candy; by the end of the evening, every last Tootsie Roll had been distributed.

Read the whole post for full effect — it’s hilarious.

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