
Welcome to Dooce, everything I wish tumbledry to be

Welcome to Dooce, everything I wish tumbledry to be - Her most recent post:

The only thing missing was a Google map of our house and a red pin sticking straight up out of Jon’s skull to signal HERE, HERE, HERE

Thanks Mykala, for finding this blog.

4 comments left



Thanks Alex now I’m obsessed with that website! She’s amazing!

Oh and you are too :) See you Friday!

Alexander Micek

Oh yeah that’s a good site; you’ll enjoy Dooce.

Also, are you excited, scared, scarecited for your wedding?


Excited yes. Ready for it to be over, yes. Excited to see you, absolutely! We miss you, Big Al!

Alexander Micek

I missed ya’ll, too! But then I got to see you - congratulations!

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