
5 Questions, Vol. 4

It’s been almost a year since the last round of “Five Questions,” that gloriously awkward game where tumbledryers get to ask me any five questions they want. So, I thought I’d bring it back for another round. What do you want to know? What would you like to ask me? Burning questions? Burning sensations? Bring on the former, and go to a doctor for the latter!

In a fun twist this year, the first question directed towards another tumbledryer (tumbledrier? still haven’t decided on that spelling) holds binding power to the user at whom they direct said query. That is, if Commenter A asks Commenter B a question, and Commenter A is the first person to ask a question, then Commenter B (bound by essentially nothing except their honor) must answer the question posed by Commenter A. We’ll see how that one goes.

Questions to how any of this actually works won’t go towards the five question total.

13 comments left


Justin Gehring

Let’s make this interesting then…

Who was the first person you had sex with?

Wait, that doesn’t fall under be nice…

Hmmm… Better rethink this.

Whats the worst thing you’ve ever done to someone…

Dan McKeown

Wait, so I can ask Nils any question I want and he is tumbledry honor bound to answer it? This is too good to be true. I will take some time to come up with a good one. Question (one that does not count because I am asking about question rules), does a question directed towards a fellow tumbledryer count against the five question limit?

Justin Gehring

Oh see… I was hoping it meant that the next person to post would have to answer the question of the first poster…

To much confusion!

Alexander Micek

Right … umm I should have thought this out! Ok, well the idea was, the first person who asked a question of another person, got their question answered by the honor-bound-whatever system. Soo, if Dan asks a question of Nils before Justin asks a question of Nils, then Nils has to answer Dan’s question but not Justin’s. If Justin beats Dan, then Nils must answer Justin’s question. If nobody asks a question of Nils, then he doesn’t have to answer anything.

And I still have to answer 5 questions. Clear as mud.

So, that makes my first question: “what’s the worst thing I have done to someone?” And the “comment/question directed towards another tumbledryer” remains up for grabs. Four questions left for me, one question left for another (still unnamed!) tumbledryer.

Nils +1

Questions, Dan? I’m not surprised. My character and life is one shrouded in mystery, glamour, and intrigue. So I say, ask your questions, but you will find naught but the most envious replies that will make you wish you had never asked.

Hmm, question for Alex: if a tree falls in the woods, but no one is around to see/hear it, does it make a noise?


i’m still super confused here, perhaps a diagram is in order


I wish Alex didn’t run off to Chicago to leave us all here unsupervised and completely lost. I must admit, I’m not sure I understand what exactly is going on with this round of 5 Questions. I guess some things are best left mysteries…

Richard +3

let’s just make up our own rules then! how about, everybody just answers all the questions that they feel like answering, and everybody that answers at least 1 question gets to ask a new one. this will be more fun if everybody answers all the questions. as an incentive, i will be giving heart votes to anyone who answers a question.

I will explain in excrutiating detail:

justin asked, “Whats the worst thing you’ve ever done to someone…”

now i will answer, “one time in middle school, a girl asked me out on a piece of notebook paper, i wrote the word “NO” in big letters on the whole back side of it and crumpled it up and threw it at her and it hit her in the face. this is easily the worst thing i have ever done and i still feel so guilty about it and i’ve been overly nice to people in general ever since then.”

ok, now i am allowed to ask my 1 question:

Richard asks, “what image always manages to make you smile? (post a link to it please)”

ok, so now i can not ask any more questions, but i can answer as many as i want just for fun, in this case i will answer my own question with:


also, since justin has asked a question, he should technically be obligated to answer at least one at some point, but also, the more questions he answers, the better.

as far as the limit goes, i say, to heck with limits! i say, let them post questions until all the regulars have done one! but if the limit is neccesary, we could always just stop asking new questions once 5 get asked

Dan McKeown


That picture you linked to made me laugh until I cried. I then shared that picture with about twenty other people and they also laughed very hard. Thank you.



If you can manage to ignore that dog, the picture is pretty good.


yeah, basically my really long post was an excuse to post that picture


I don’t want to answer the “what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done” question for I fear said occurrence may not be far enough in the past. BUT. I would like to ask a question because I like to break rules like that.

If you had to choose between marrying a complete stranger that you COULD NOT divorce or remaining single (as in no romantic relationships whatsoever) for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

Alexander Micek

I talked to Mykala, and she clarified that, in her hypothetical situation, one would get a complete stranger of the opposite sex. So, I think I would take the random relationship over the no romantic relationships. Not an easy decision, though.

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