
Like Like Like, You Know?

Ever overheard conversations that make you sad to share the distinction of humanity with the individuals conversing? How about the ones that make you wish you didn’t have ears? I thought so. Well, on the way to dinner this evening, I was treated to a doozy. As two St. Thomas girls walked south, their paths briefly intersected my own …

Girl 1: I mean, where was it we were going? esctatic giggling
Girl 2: Yeah!
G1: You know what? I’ve been sooo hungry lately.
G2: Really?
G1: Yeah I mean I’m in, like … pain. I think I’ll call Daddy and get a bigger meal plan.

From memory, this is as close to verbatim as I can recall the conversation, but I know the last part was said for sure. I wept for the future and for the University and its recently relaxed admissions policies (dropping the requirements for admission to all time low levels). I think these girls exist in an utter perversion of reality, where their concept of pain is missing their super energy power booster with guanine shake for lunch. esctatic giggling

2 comments left



Girls are so unintelligent.


Hey now…I'm not really going to defend myself or my sex because I feel like you were saying that just to push the buttons of the female readers of this blog. I'm not going to lie though…sometimes I agree with you. Especially UST girls…

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