
Blunt views from ex-college president William M. Chace

Blunt views from ex-college president William M. Chace - This is, hands down, the best, most blunt, most perceptive look at the increasing cost of college, the university-student relationship, and the changing landscape of collegiate life that I have ever read. And it’s only about 18 paragraphs long.

It’s an opinion piece from the New York Times by the author of One Hundred Semesters: My Adventures as Student, Professor and University President, and What I Learned Along the Way, and it provides extremely perceptive insights into why college costs so much, why presidents of universities get compensated so well, and the value of a college education.

A must-read. Find a login so you can read it. Go! Now!

2 comments left



Copy and paste Alex. I tried reading it with the free login, but you need to pay and I am not going to do that. You know I'm cheap. So copy and paste!

Alexander Micek

lol. Sorry that that didn't work, but I really appreciate your trying. Hmm, I will send it to you via The Email.

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