
Protein Fun for Everyone

The calmodulin protein has two sites where it binds calcium ions in the cell; after it has bound them, it serves as a signal to other proteins of calcium levels within said cell. As an introduction to some of the basic conformational changes proteins undergo, we covered this figure in our cell biology slides yesterday.

The hidden wonders of biology.

What makes this amazing, though, is the caption which my professor supplied. She pointed out that the drawing looks like a really happy squirrel carrying two water balloons (or I thought possibly giant stuffed olives), whose tail is being attacked by two Pac-men.

This brings me to the final point - that picture above is going to look a little wonky because of the whole “switching gradually over to the new tumbledry” thing. Having said that, I can’t withhold the very beta redesign any longer. Check it out at tumbledry.org/ts/.

2 comments left



I just had to say that I quick checked out the "very beta" version of the New TumbleDry and I am very excited to see it implemented in its full glory and true form. Good work Alex!

Alexander Micek

Thanks, Nils! Don't forget to try the search feature, you can simply type something, pause, and the results will pop up. "Nils" is a fun search to do.

Also, be sure to visit the front page: <tumbledry.org/> after you visit the very beta thing … otherwise I think you might run into commenting difficulties.

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