
I just wrote most of the Wikipedia article about the DAT

I just wrote most of the Wikipedia article about the DAT - Feel free to check it out.

5 comments left


Dan McKeown

Did you really write that whole thing? Also, why do they not give you credit for writing it on the page?

Alexander Micek

Yeah, I wrote all of it except for about four sentences. And you don't really get credit on Wikipedia; you can, however, sign up with a user name and build your reputation by making quality contributions. It all works out.


This is Nils Espe reporting from Mykonos Island, Greece. I quickly breezed through your article on Wikipedia and I am proud of your contribution. Thousands will learn from you. Now go write a new update for the love of God.

Dan McKeown

I second the motion.


I…third it? Tres it? hmm…I agree, lets just go with that.

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