
Bizarre Product Idea

Bizarre Product Idea

Lens at 18mm, ISO 800, ƒ/3.5, 1/60s
Snapped May 3, 2006 at 7:05pm

6 comments left


Dan McKeown

Those things were amazing, they tasted terrible and they did not give me any extra energy. The idea is just hilarious, these very sugary beans will help you have more energy and perform better in sports and other physical activity. They actually say on the package to eat more of the beans if you need more energy, brilliant marketing.


Dan, they have electrolytes. Clearly, this is not your average bean…

John T F Larson

Yes, apparently those beans are salty.


Oooh. Add "healthy" to the list of reasons to eat the delicious Jelly Belly jelly beans…


Maybe their intentions were directed elsewhere. Like tabletop football or hockey. Those beans would work wonders.

Alexander Micek

My new Axe soap has electrolytes as well. I sure hope I didn't pay extra for this "feature." They certainly are just salt.