
Vintage Classic

Vintage Classic

Lens at 44mm, ISO 100, ƒ/5, 1/60s
Snapped Apr 5, 2006 at 7:58pm

5 comments left



I know what that is!!! Yay!


John….you looked at the tab, didn't you? Honestly, how could one tell just by the word HPM 60 Pioneer that the image is a speaker? Oh wait, Pioneer is a huge audio company….ok, so you probably didn't cheat…but I'm on to you…

Dan McKeown

John is a crafty dude, good work Nils. Keep tabs on him for us will you?



What is a tab?

I don't get it.

Where are these tabs?

I know because I've seen them, otherwise I would be in the dark.


John, you're not going to throw me off your trail by playing innocent. That just isn't going to work. Just play by the rules ok? They're there for a reason: safety

……….YOUR….safety cough cough nudge nudge excuse me