
Trying to Control Depth of Field

Trying to Control Depth of Field

Lens at 18mm, ISO 100, ƒ/8, 1/5s
Snapped Mar 22, 2006 at 3:30pm

7 comments left


Dan McKeown

that reminds me of some speakers of the Boston A-100 variety that we need to fix…


"I'm in the woofer. Dont go in there thats not the bathroom thats the woofer."


I'm not sure I understand why it was not possible for you to use correct punctuation marks in that quotation. It's really not that hard.


That comment was made in haste and I apologize to any english majors I may have offended.

Dan McKeown

how about history majors?

Alexander Micek

He did get the quote in "I'm" though.