
Time For Something Amazing

Alright guys. A certain man I know named Sean Green passed an incredibly great and entertaining phrase down to me through a man named Dan McKeown. He didn’t pass it down intentially, it just happened - and I am thankful. That said, writing about this phrase would never do it justice, so when I was home, I picked up a microphone and brought it back to the dorms to allow you all to experience this phrase first hand. Click below to listen.

Picture of French Toast

I implore you all: use it often, yet wisely.

8 comments left



Most. Amazing. Update. Ever.


I personally like clicking the image multiple times, that way, you can make a crazy song with your monotone voice and the beautiful melody here and there. It's like a rap. You could call yourself… Emicek.

Alexander Micek

Ahh John always the hacker lol. I fixed it so it doesn't do that - clicking again stops playback. We can't have 40 of me talking at once: that wouldn't be realistic!

Dan McKeown

sure it wouldnt be realistic, but who cares? Oh and this is by far your most amazing post of all time

John Larson

Alex, that post is a work of pure genious. It truly serves the memory of the great Sean Green.

Richard Roche

i am so tempted to remix this..

Alexander Micek

I've got the original *.wav file if you want.

Richard Roche

sweet, email it to me and i'll stash it in my folder of sounds to play with when i'm bored

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