
An improvement on the basic weight glove

An improvement on the basic weight glove - These cover only the parts of your hands that get callusses and therefore breathe better. I am considering getting a pair: great price!

6 comments left



It's good to live in America.

Alexander Micek

Yeah, when you look at this with a more global viewpoint … seems pretty darn trivial, lol.

Dan McKeown

hell no it does not! what else are we to care about? and dont give me that whole starvation song and dance…


Shoot. And I was just choreographing one, too…


Everyone's problems are relative. Honestly, think about it. We think people in third world countries have it terrible and that their problems are much more difficult than ours (which they usually are). But think about celebrities, people living in the top .5% of the world's richest people. Do you think Paris Hilton has to worry about getting into college, getting good grades, finding a job, or supporting a family? Hell no! Would she think our lives are extremely hard? You bet she would. Come on, we're middle class people with our own wants and desires. Just because our wants seem more trivial to other's is completely irrelevant. Yay for weight-lifting gloves!


I never meant to spark some sort of far reaching social commentary. I just thought the gloves were silly.

P.S. Paris Hilton is a slut!

P.P.S. I'd still do her.

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