
Somber Thoughts Amongst Riotous Colors

Fall: the time of year when the green life in trees explodes, painting the roads and rivers the brightest, most intense colors that deciduous life knows. It is with this exclamation point of yellow, orange, and red that the life of summer finally yields to oncoming winter. The annual metamorphosis of long days to short, leafy green to snow white, and blue skies to dirty gray is always a time of reflection for me. This year, though, as I watch the throbbing of life in the outdoor world turn a corner to a dormant state, I come upon a realization that is nothing earth-shattering, but nevertheless intensely personal: everything has its Fall.

That conclusion, underwhelming to some and obvious to others, had an unexpectedly potent effect on me today. Perhaps it was having a wonderful evening out with Mykala and wondering what will become of us. Perhaps it was lifting weights and wondering how long into my life I will be capable of hefting heavy things (or using alliteration inappropriately). Perhaps it was the heavy weight of the uniquely collegiate experience of learning oneself. Or perhaps it was listening to “Night Thoughts” by George Winston, a gem from the Velveteen Rabbit soundtrack, without whose background melody I sincerely doubt this post would have been written.

Partly cloudy thoughts on a mostly sunny day.

2 comments left



I have come to the conclusion that fall is probably my favorite season. Everything seems so put in perspective this time of year. And the colors are simply astounding. It's breathtaking. You also have a mix of warmer "summer is holding on" days where the sun shines and the breeze is light, with the colder, cloudier "onset of winter" days where the wind blows and the air smells crisp. I find this time of year extremely reflective as well Alex. And I find that the music of Gabriel Faure (namely his requiem, but anything by him will work) captivates this season almost perfectly. Keep up the posts Alex

Alexander Micek

Thank you Nils, your musical recommendations are always quite good - I'll be sure to sample some of his Music.


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