
The Importance of ‘O’

We are approaching the beginning of another school year, and to all of you out there, I would like to impress something upon all the students out there: get your “to” right. Seriously.

If there is one aspect of the English language you can master (beyond spelling and basic grammar) please please get the difference between ‘to’ and ‘too.’ Take the correct usage in a recent email from St. Thomas public safety:

“Some parking lots to close in St. Paul”

What if they had made that “too”? It would have said, essentially, that some parking lots are too close to one another in St. Paul. The value of that statement is almost zero if the ‘to’ is wrong. The simple rule to remember:

Comments are turned off so people avoid the temptation to be facetious and say, “that was to stupid!” Thank you, you are dismissed.

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