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tumbledry.org: Lectures - an open letter to those who ruin them


Lectures - an open letter to those who ruin them

This university is not known for huge lectures (though at other schools, 200+ lectures are not as bad as one would think), but there are indeed enough people in the larger general lecture classes to be annoying. Now, the occasional polyphonic power pop cell phone ring does not bother me, nor does the eternally conjested man somewhere behind me to my right, or even the hoodie-wearing upper level folk who show up for the comfortable seats and dim lighting that their dorm rooms apparently do not afford. Sometimes, though, there is One. The single person who believes it is their God-given right to disrupt the class in a stunningly stupid way.

They think they own the professor.

Tell me, oh master of the obvious question, what about this lecture has lead you to believe that you are in office hours for a one-on-one dialogue with the person at the front of the room? And please, if you are able, elucidate why must you talk to the professor from four rows back like the two of you are sitting over a cup of coffee, discussing the day’s lesson plan as if it were a continuing dialogue pandering to your concerns, troubles, and understanding. Have you ever raised your hand? Do you understand what that gesture means? I politely but firmly request you reconsider your previous habits in lecture and shut the crap up.


4 comments left



Yeah, some people are just morons. In my political science lecture today, my professor told us that Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston may be getting back together, and this girl behind me freaked out, gasped, and then shouted “are you serious” Note that I was seated on a balcony level and the professor was down below, atleast a good hundred feet away. I guess when subject matter is as important as this, distance does not matter, people just need the damn facts.


i hate those people. at my college they tend to be 40 and either just out of prison or some asylum.


well, u could just put a hit on them, and i would take the contract as long as free milk for my cereal is involved

Alexander Micek

lol Dan - cereal and milk are the universal currency here at Cretin Hall.

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