
I Do Not Have Clever Title

Things have been veering a bit at tumbledry lately. Recently, I’ve decided I do not want to write about technology, computers, and the web. Not for a bit anyways. I’m too busy to deal with this all (though you may be getting some tech updates as I am currently employed in developing a section of my school’s website), so I am going to return to our roots here and share my life. Things are moving along at a rapid clip. Thus, it isn’t a big deal to me if I bore everyone and my traffic drops from the 100 or so kind souls who visit a day to none (0). When I read back to these years, I want to understand how Alex was, and not how the current development of web-standards were. This sets my goals nearly diametric to most of the blogs I regularly visit, but such are things.

Friday night was one of the best times I have had in a while. I was nervous. It wasn’t a petrified kind of nervous - but I certainly could feel my stomach tying into knots. Being yourself is so important, and can be difficult when you are proofing everything in your head before it comes out of your mouth. But somehow, somewhere between my house and I-94, I stopped the thought-check. She made me feel completely at ease, like I really could be myself. For the next five hours, I got to know one stunning person better. The veil of formalities and meaningless small-talk was lifted, and the fresh air that flowed was as refreshing as the warm night waters of the St. Croix.

Accoutered with perspective, understanding, and an acute sense of what is realistic (and certainly, what isn’t), I feel good. Plain and simple.

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