
Faux Paus or Common Practice?

This past Sunday I came back from a run and promptly tumbled down the stairs into the cool sixty six degrees that our basement offers in the summertime. I quickly checked my email and IM messages as sweat descended in rivulets down my arms, chest, and back. It had been a long run.

Casually, I glanced over to the clock and realized I had almost no time to prepare for church. In a frenzy, I ran upstairs and hopped in the shower. I got out with one of the worst feelings one can have in the summertime: post-shower sweat. Yes, I had taken a shower and was still sweating after the end of it. “No time to worry about that” I thought, as I pulled some clothing on and high-tailed it to church.

Standing in front of a pew over cool stone only a few minutes later, I noticed a very odd sensation. I felt quite cool. Air circulation through my garments was definitely above average. Suddenly, I realized why.

I was not wearing any underwear.

“Gosh,” I thought, “it’s a good thing we get to kneel a lot.” As my mind continued to turn over the topic, I wondered if omitting a critical piece of clothing was something I should be concered about. Should I be praying harder because my loins were not girded? Are there rules against this sort of thing? Then, I decided I really did not care. I mean, I was comfortable, and I refrained from standing up and shouting “Hey! I’m not wearing any underwear!” Therefore, I figured it was all just fine. So I forgot to slip on some boxers prior to putting my shorts on; oh well.

Hopefully I won’t forget my shorts next time.

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