
In A Name

Naming this site consisted of serious agony. I asked myself what was catchy, what I could live with for an indefinite amount of time, what people could easily remember, what was taken, and what feeling I wanted to convey. I asked myself if spelling and pronunciation were major issues and again, if I could stand the name for any length of time. I said them all aloud, narrowed the list, poured over books of phrases, and sat up nights putting together combinations of words. In the end, I was surrounded by notebook papers full of words, post-it notes with phrases, and planner pages torn out to capture moments of inspiration. Looking back on it, I realize the process is exactly what parents go through when naming their children. You have something you created, whose exact personality and characteristics you don’t yet know, and you would like to give it a fitting moniker.

The challenge of naming is immense.

I can not tell you why I picked the name I did. It is not as sleek sounding (or original) as I would have liked, but at the same time it has grown on me. Thankfully, people can and do remember it, and have no trouble spelling it. In the same way children grow to fit their name, I hope tumbledry does the same. I am going to have a heck of a time naming my children.

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