
Compartmentalizing, Organizing, Filing

Going through and categorizing nearly 300 old entries from my past online years, I realized how much I write about what is going on in my life. The “life” category holds, by far, the greatest number of updates. I also realized how incredibly unfocussed and random some of my posts were. For this reason, I think I need to do two things. First, I need to focus my posts and narrow them down to at least one broad topic. Scattering random bits throughout each post makes them exceedingly difficult to categorize. Obviously, the life category is pretty broad so I split it up into three different categories. “Life” contains daily happenings whereas “event” contains landmark moments, holidays, and large life changes. That way, one can easily browse the ordinary and the extraordinary events in my life. Finally, there is a “contemplation” category in which questions are explicit or explicit. These contemplation posts that find me grappling with big questions occur with surprising frequency. Other categories, like technology, website updates, and webdesign have been added as needed. Shortly, you will see an option in the archives to browse all old updates by category.

Secondly, I find myself really enjoying certain links. They might be jokes, resources, message boards, unbelievable designs, or simply news articles. Inevitably, the best links get passed around the blogging community so, admittedly, they are not always the most original — but they are still valuable and I would like to share them. Therefore, I am considering a sidebar of current links, to be archived in the links section. That way, you can see my recent “favorites” that I did have enough material to write a post on, but still wanted to share.

Beyond these evolutionary modifications, I am in the rough stages of a complete redesign. However, I intend to overhaul the PHP code on the output side before I attempt any radical changes in apperance.

Much Love,

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