Baker’s Dozen
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Last night, Steve, Nils, Mikaela, and me went to MOA as a part of the “say goodbye to Nils” evening. He had to leave sooner than he thought, which was really too bad. First off, I would have hoped for Nils sake that he could have had a little more home time to think about his decision about a major. Secondly, he took the looping pedal that says “Nick I will kill you” in 8 part harmony sung by Matthew. To continue on the musical tangent for a moment, I finally got around to writing down some more songs on the piano. That puts me at around 12 songs for the next album. I will probably write to 20 and then cut some or combine two into one song and cut back down to 12. Also, I discovered my mom still has her guitar, so I hope to take that with me to my dorm and continue working on my chords and finger picking - what a fun instrument. It’s a funny thing; last time Steve got into guitar I started playing. Then he stopped for a while - but now he is back into it again and has re-inspired me to pull it out and play again. Besides, now that I don’t play french horn, I need to fill in my “secondary instrument” gap. “Gap” reminds me of MOA, which is where we were. Anyways, I bought a scarf (finally) for $6.99 (which doesn’t beat Nils’ $10 AE pants) and we also tried on tight pants at Gap (now don’t take that the wrong way, nobody suggested buying them). We re-visited LoveSac, tried on tons of other stuff (determined that Mikaela can go from looking French to Russian with a simple change of a hat), Steve liked the silk and cashmere shirt from Banana Republic (but not the $80 price), and we all heartily agreed Nils could pull of the “nu prep” look. Which reminds me of Nils’ hilarious silent movie that Alex, Nils, and Lars created over this break. Entitled The Death of a Gun Salesman, it emplified the natural evolution of Nils’ film skills. In other words, it was really, really funny. Thus my list of things I have to get from Nils is: “Nick I will Kill you” and a movie. Good? Good. Continuing on, Nils had to go home (and I do hope his trip back to Madison has gone well) and so we stayed up ‘til ‘round about 2:15 talking. It was really a lot of fun - so was watching Little Women the night before. I admit, I cried. I wish I had seen that movie earlier. It’s funny; everyone starts to drag at around 1:00 in the morning but by 1:30 we get all punchy and things get really funny. It’s great. Steve coined one phrase: “let’s not be modest, let’s be honest.” And one more, which makes me laugh everytime: “Clock, clock, clock, clock.” I would explain the second one, but that would ruin it’s comedic elegance.
Songs to get: that new one by Jessica Simpson which, for some reason I can’t explain, I really like. “Takin’ Care of Business.” And “That’s What I like About You.”
I’ve said everything I needed to say.