
Cottage + Finals

Let us say you have this cottage. And you have spent a significant amount of time building it. You visit occasionally to add things, but for the most part you aren’t there to see who comes and goes. Won’t you want to know? Sometimes I do, so I visit my stats pages and see who has been coming and going at tumbledry. It certainly has been getting busier lately.

In fact, we’re averaging 30 hits per day and are on track to have our biggest month yet. I also thought it might be interesting to note that the Open Directory Project has listed tumbledry under it’s former alias, “Alex’s Website.” If you go to this link, you’ll find tumbledry listed under “Alex’s Website” with the description “Includes inspirations, photos, quotes and links.” Good to know that’s where some of the traffic is coming from. Another intersting note; people searching for the lyrics to the new Five for Fighting Song “100 Years” have made up 23% of the search strings who have brought people here. See, people really do like that song! Unfortunately, people don’t stay long when they visit: 76.3% of you only stay 0-30 seconds and only 5% stay 5-15 minutes; I guess the site needs more content. To conclude, I would like to thank my logged visitors from the US Military, New Zeland (my favorite place on Earth), Singapore, South Africa, Belgium, France, The Czech Republic, Denmark, and Seychelles. (Note to self: determine where on earth Seychelles is.)

The most interesting category is the top visitors. St. Thomas is up there, River Falls is up there, Brigham Young too (thanks, Nick!), and for some reason University of Nebraska at Lincoln is way up there (I have no idea who told Richard about the site). Somebody running Comcast/AT&T has also contributed a significant number of hits; I am guessing that was Justin.

Well, that was an intersting jounrney into the ‘guestbook’ of the website. Now, onto finals information! I will be studying this weekend, preparing part of an English paper, preparing a Philosophy extra credit, and whipping up on 8.5 by 11 page of final essay goodness. Philosophy could come together in one huge firework of goodness. Or, it could fizzle out like a wet fuse. Time will tell. I love this finals studying thing; there is a definite goal in sight and the end is close. It couldn’t be easier. You have all the motivation in the world, and time to dive all-out into the books.

In other notes, Home Valu screwed me over. They waited one week to say that their Lacewood/Polished/Grade 10 Formica laminate was out of stock. But not to fear, the internet is here! I called around to places for about an hour and located the lovely Bloomington Linoleum. Instead of two weeks, they can get my laminate for me in 48 hours. They are closed weekends, so I will give ya’ll a heads-up on this later in the week. On top of that, you can track my package. Yes, in the exciting world of the internet, anything is possible.

This is great. I love the way he sings the bass guitar.

Away, away, away! (Name that tune.)

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