
Uno Extreme

A couple of people I know are definite drunken dialers. Sometimes its funny, sometimes its weird, but it’s definitely never annoying or dull. Sometimes I wake up to the most hiliarious voice mails. Matthew happened to be the dialer last night, but I honestly couldn’t hear him with all the people in the room. Regardless, it was easy to tell he was not particularly sober. Matthew, I tried to convince you to call back and leave a message, but the phone just ended up getting passed around. I hope there wasn’t anything too urgent.

I really lost track of the number of people up in the room last night. 10? 15? Cretin 2 and 3 supplied the men and Grace and Augsburg supplied the women. We did all learn that strip Uno really doesn’t work very well, at least the way we were playing. Maybe after another 6 hours we might have had our socks off. That’s probably for the better. Now, don’t take this the wrong way, but women keep telling me my bed is uncomfortable. Last night was no exception. I am frusterated with St. Thomas, I mean housing here is anything but cheap, and they give you this mattress from the underworld. I half expect it to start sending razor-sharp possessed springs through my back at night. It is the pinnacle, the epitome, the definition of uncomfortable.

We ordered the Formica for the sub. I was going to go with the black stone pattern, but I realized that this thing is about the size of a piece of furniture, and having a large piece of stone out in plain view tends to darken the room. Besides, this Formica color will play better with most decors. Final specs are then: 20 by 20 by 20 box made out of 3/4” MDF, 3.5” legs out of solid 2 by’s, 17” pipe 4” in diameter which tunes the box to 22.2 Hz, 250W plate amp w/high level inputs, 12” Adire Audio Shiva Driver, special ordered (free!) Adire Audio Logo, and Lacewood laminate. Pictures when it is done!

I wrote an English paper about Othello. I would like to think it went pretty well, but I really don’t know right now. I wish we could drop out worst paper like we can our worst test and worst quiz in math. Ho hum. Each day I find myself able to concentrate better and better; that is, when the music is not playing. Right now, it is blissfully silent and I am basking in the quiet melody of solo piano music with no explosions from the constant movies next door or thumping bass from the rap downstairs. Thank you God for small blessings.

Cal, thank you for not jumping out the window last night.

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