
Another First

It’s almost as if the weather knew that classes started today. The air was brisk with a morning tinge of cold that announced fall has begun the slow march to take over summer. The cool breeze reminds me of many fall afternoons spent playing football at Richard’s. The evening will remind me of those football games I always speak of. It is time to associate some new memories with weather.

PhyEd 100 will be an interesting class; it is a pity the weight room doesn’t open earlier in the day, but it looks like I will workout in gym class, go to classes hopefully not smelling too bad and then lift later that day. It’s going to be awesome! Gym is seven weeks, so I will only have weights and gym on four of those weeks. English was awesome; it’s in an old building that I am told has asbestos, which could be part of the reason they are knocking it down soon. Either way, we tried not to disturb any insulation or ceiling panels, so I think we’ll be OK. The prof’s name is Micheal Mikolajczak and he seems like he will be a very good moderator of discussions and opener of minds. I grabbed lunch because we were out of that class early (something I won’t normally be able to do) and headed over to German. Paul Schons is a very easy going guy and thankfully there is no mid-term or final in that class. Thus, I have a midterm (which is the end of the term for that class) gym final, no English final, and no German final. I am thankful, but that doesn’t really mean there will be any less work, it will just make finals week easier because I will be able to focus on my Calc and Philosophy finals. Mental note, I have a meeting with my faculty advisor at 7:00AM on the 9th of September. Gotta go to bed early that night. Then again, I’m really getting into the going-to-bed-early idea. I feel great and every night since I got here I’ve been getting to bed earlier and earlier.

Martha C. Nussbaum’s Cultivating Humanity is calling. Away!

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