
Safety Net

You know, at last I’ve learned true kindness from people. It has been absolutely wonderful to see people who were acquaintances step up and show genuine compassion, caring, and kindness to me - it has truly been the greatest surprise that I have experienced in a long time. I mean literally everyone I have met in these past couple of years that I have talked to recently has shown me their kind, genuine, thoughtful, helpful side and the realization of those qualities in other people has helped me become more optimistic about humans in general. People really do care, they really do want to help, and when you are a genuine person towards everyone else, they will respond in kind with time.

In addition to peer group support and guidance, my family has been incredible. My sister, my mother, my father, all deserve great thanks for what they have done for me. It is just so wonderful to know that these people will love me through thick and thin, ups and downs, ins and outs, and that the mutual caring between us will never degrade to something less than it was in the past. Talking with them in the morning, late at night, on the phone, over email, during chores, and during rest has shown me what family is and what love is. I could never repay them and the beauty is, I’m not obliged to; I only have to be to them what they have been to me and show them the same kindness. That’s not repaying, that’s true family. I know God is there in my home.

I’m going mountain biking today, I’ve decided not to injure anything or come back with any broken bones. It will be a healthy outing, I’ve already broke my bone for the summer. It will be a great time, plus it’s free.

Finally, the backend of the site is up and running with only a few tweaks remaining. Right now, I am working on coding the picture gallery reader and one more major CSS tweak remains for the quotes list, etc. Thus, we are about 96% open here at tumbledry.org - once we’re up and running I will add links, quotes, inspirations, and pictures because I know how long that code took to write and I therefore I will make the most of it. Have a good day, everyone; tell it to ‘em straight.

Maybe I’ll eat two meals today.

Essays Nearby