

“I never forget a face but in your case I’m willing to make an exception.” - Groucho Marx. Or how about “Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.” Translation: “Whatever is said in Latin, sounds profound”. Enough of that. We almost got rid of our tree today. Luckily, we were able to make room so we didn’t have to throw out the Norfolk Island Pine. I think I’m getting tennis elbow. Let’s hope it doesn’t get any worse. Enough about quasi-medical conditions. I’m watching a TV special about Johnathan Winters. Funny guy. Well I have slowly come to the realization that I won’t be able to supply something funny for everybody everyday. So, content quality and quantity will vary.

Featured Website: Penny Arcade has comics. I think. From what I can see, there is some serious talent in digital images happenin’ here. It could be funny. If anything on the internet goes for more than two years, there has to be something to it.

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