
Charging Closer

My patience muscle has been stretched. Too far. The computer decided to crash whilst I was in the midst of one of my most witty and interesting news items. Boy you guys missed out. My attempt to top my witticism, etc. follows. Speaking of muscles I found out today that volleyball practice is harder than I imagined. I’ll have to keep imagining, though, because I haven’t practiced volleyball in a long time. Maybe ever. Well that rates about a 0 on the making sense scale. I’ll try harder for the next thing. Cool link coming in this update, stay tuned… Having lots of time to think about the approaching year of school, I asked my trusty, well connected, and witty friend, Matt P. for advice.

amicek: can you think of any way to stop thinking bout school starting?
GH_Matt: sleep
amicek: dang if thats the only way..
GH_Matt: watch a movie, that’s what ive been doing, i’ve watched 7 so far this week, half way through another one

I suppose I should watch some movies. Off to Steve’s for the Matrix. That would be imposing and rather rude to go over and watch at his house. Off to Blockbuster then? Or maybe I should just read. Plenty of that to be done before I go back to school. You’ll hear more about the length of the school year and my complaints about starting again. Sorry. Bear with me. Survivor’s final episode airs tonight. What a waste of time; 40 million people expected to tune in?! I’m proud to say I have no idea what is going on.

Featured Website: Today we link to the Star Wars Episode Two Trailer. Once again, (again?) I’ll thank Matt P. of the trusty (and speedy) cable modem for the fact that the movie itself doesn’t come out for two years. Well I would guess about 90% of the males that read this would be interested and about 5% of the girls who read this would be interested. Thanks go to nickd.org for the lovely link. It was taken with no shame, humility, and until now, no credit to the source. Well, click away and if you’re searching for entertainment, hope you’re a guy!

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