

You are viewing stuff tagged with zefrank.

Productive Selfishness

the show: 09-19-06 - zefrank:

One of the few truly selfish things you can do that doesn’t make you an asshole is to make yourself happy by making someone else happy.

Ze Frank and Aphorisms

Ze Frank doesn’t need a weekday video to continue his brilliance:

Then “Respect The Time You Are Given” gave me a push. That lasted for about as long as it took me to jot it down. For the moment I am hooked on “What Would The Hero You Do?”. When I start to feel lazy or trapped I think of a perfect version of myself and try to imagine what he would be doing right then and there. I don’t always emulate him (my pecs aren’t big enough), but it serves me well…for now.


“The Show” continues to impress me

“The Show” continues to impress me - “First off, i’d like to apologize for whoever told you that your degree would be useful. That was irresponsible of them.” - Ze Frank

Ze Frank’s presentation at TED

Ze Frank’s presentation at TED - TED stands for Technology Entertainment Design. Even if you don’t find the tech-geek humor funny, Ze Frank has some undeniably useful presentation practices that would be highly beneficial to the typical power point garbage. Via Waxy … you know waxy … the guy who coined the term “star wars kid.”