

You are viewing stuff tagged with weightlifting.

Lifting Schedule

Been trying a new workout technique lately, which can be described with the following words: go faster, waste less time. I’ve decreased my time by 30%, which amounts to 2 hours 18 minutes time savings per week. This has been in collaboration with Mykala, who had the original idea long ago. The thing that I had a hard time with is the mental state you have to be in to push yourself constantly for an entire workout. Since I’m lifting weights, I’m constantly resting but now trying to shorten that rest time. It isn’t a treadmill, where your pace is essentially enforced. Rather, it is like running intervals for your entire workout. Every workout. I’m getting used to it, the time-savings are tremendous, and I think I get a better workout.


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While bench pressing yesterday, I dropped 205 pounds on my sternum. It wasn’t an “uh oh, I can’t push the weight up anymore”, instead my left wrist unexpectedly rolled forward, and the grip has completely worn off my right glove, so I had nothing to stop the bar from rolling forward. After leaving my left palm, the bar’s downward trajectory was slowed by scraping along the inside of my left forearm (I don’t actually remember any of this, but I was able to trace the abrasions later… I originally thought my right wrist was the one that rolled), and then the bar ran into my chest, totally pinning me between the left side of the bench and the bar.


Still Learning

I’ve written before about my extensive internal dialogue and my propensity to replay social scenes in my head, looking for ways I could have said the right thing. Shockingly, this character trait comes in handy sometimes, as recently evidenced at Lifetime Fitness. I was taking the weights off a bar on a squat rack, and I realized I did not have enough space for the remaining plates. To my left, a woman was using another squat rack, which had room for the plates.


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This Will Be Difficult to Tag

Ok, here we go. Since one of the purposes of this site is to preserve things in which I am interested for posterity: I will now embark on an image-powered summary of some of my interests from the past week.

Interest 1: Vega4
This music group sounds like Snow Patrol; that’s a good thing. I like ‘em … I caught them on the radio (not on the television, though I must admit that seems to be one of the best place to hear new, alternative music these days); I’ve been thinking about getting their album ever since. A quote from a PopMatters review follows:


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This is what blogs are for

Today, at the St. Thomas gym, I was walking around, minding my own business, and then I got hit in the head by a 45 pound steel bar. The kid who was brandishing the thing apologized promptly, I replied with “no problem.” I can’t say for sure, but I think it was an accident.

Weekend Cinema

Weight lifting can be monotonous … but there are always those moments of sparkling dialogue.

Guy 2: So, what did you do Sunday night?
Guy 1: Yeah, I ended up watching 8 Below.
Guy 3: Hey - that snowboarding movie, right?
G1: Umm … no. But there is a lot of snow involved. It’s about sled dogs.
G2: Oh oh - that’s that movie with Cuba Gooding, Jr. in it!
G1: Uhh … no. Cuba Gooding Jr?! What? It stars that worthless actor …
G3: Oh yeah, yeah -
G2: Paul Walker!
G1: Yeah, Paul Walker.
G3: “You’re not double clutching like a good little boy …
G2: Wait a second. What were you doing watching 8 Below?
G1: It was actually pretty good.
G3: Are you gay?
G1: No. And now I want a husky.


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This is the Bigger Faster Stronger store

This is the Bigger Faster Stronger store - I have to keep these guys in mind for when I build a Home Gym®™©. First, though, I have to live about another 10 years, get a home, and get a job. Thank goodness I have tags on this website to look this stuff up!

My Workout(s)

The following documents my workout schedule for myself. I weigh 135 pounds, my 170% is benching 230 pounds, which is slightly under my one rep max on bench. Why am I sharing this? It’s certainly not an ego trip, this is just a convenient place to record this all. If you aren’t interested, (I know I wouldn’t be) then don’t read. Either way, I guess the world can see what my workout schedule is:
