

You are viewing stuff tagged with webstandards.

Jason Santa Maria

Jason Santa Maria - Clever design. Eye-catching design. Lovely design. Creative design. Great design.

Eric Meyer

Eric Meyer - Eric Meyer really really knows his stuff. Read his book, it is very good. Refreshing to hear from someone who is an expert yet does not toot their own horn too much.


Zeldman - Few in this small sphere do not know Zeldman - author of an excellent book on webstandards, he’s a heavy hitter. New York pragmatism coupled with over nine years of service to the internet public.

Authentic Boredom

Authentic Boredom - Great guy; great designer. Mr. Moll produces websites using experience gained as a business major. He takes the client’s needs and transforms them into online solutions. This experience and attention to the client is evident on his well-designed and well-written blog, “Authentic Boredom.”