You are viewing stuff tagged with threadless.
You are viewing stuff tagged with threadless.
This Threadless T-Shirt by QuasiProto says “HONK if you’re about to run me over.” Too bad it’s sold out.
Time for a spot/spate/bit of recent t-shirt items I’ve seen that have the rare quality of humor and viability for personal wear.
Ok, here we go. Since one of the purposes of this site is to preserve things in which I am interested for posterity: I will now embark on an image-powered summary of some of my interests from the past week.
Interest 1: Vega4
This music group sounds like Snow Patrol; that’s a good thing. I like ‘em … I caught them on the radio (not on the television, though I must admit that seems to be one of the best place to hear new, alternative music these days); I’ve been thinking about getting their album ever since. A quote from a PopMatters review follows: