

You are viewing stuff tagged with threadless.

Honk T-Shirt

This Threadless T-Shirt by QuasiProto says “HONK if you’re about to run me over.” Too bad it’s sold out.

T-Shirt Redux

Time for a spot/spate/bit of recent t-shirt items I’ve seen that have the rare quality of humor and viability for personal wear.

  1. Stupid Cupid by Budi Satria Kwan pictures a hapless would-be couple on opposite ends of a couch surrounded by missed arrows, with a determined cupid overhead trying to hit someone below. Pretty good approximation of love.
  2. Heroism from Penny Arcade pictures a stylized Guitar Hero headstock and frets set into a brilliant blue flame. If it’s a parody of a famous shirt, can someone let me know what shirt that is? I don’t know.


This Will Be Difficult to Tag

Ok, here we go. Since one of the purposes of this site is to preserve things in which I am interested for posterity: I will now embark on an image-powered summary of some of my interests from the past week.

Interest 1: Vega4
This music group sounds like Snow Patrol; that’s a good thing. I like ‘em … I caught them on the radio (not on the television, though I must admit that seems to be one of the best place to hear new, alternative music these days); I’ve been thinking about getting their album ever since. A quote from a PopMatters review follows:


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Haikus are Easy

Haikus are Easy

Loch Ness Imposter

Loch Ness Imposter