Genius Gap Commercial - In which people at the store proceed to completely demolish it. The guy tackling the mannequin is the best part. Or maybe the part where the woman drives the van into the store front. Yeah, that part.
Slate: Rebellion of the Talking Heads - Slate continues to impress me; here they tackle the multi-faceted issues in New Orleans from the perspective of the news reporters “in the trenches” down there actually doing some great reporting.
72 inch DLP TV - Really stupid pictures. However, a 10000:1 contrast ratio alone makes this awesome. Were I old(er), I would budget for a TV similar to this (imagine what they will be like in 20 years).
I ran across some interesting things whilst perusing the Sunday paper today. First of all, the color TV has turned 50 and an article celebrating the joys of color was written to mark the momentous occasion. So Americans watch, on average, 70 days per year of TV. That’s all well and good - la dee dah. But, what about this quote from the grandma who wants to keep her grandchild occupied in the car: