

You are viewing stuff tagged with stroller.

Light Reading II

When we realized it had been a year and a day since we took a video of Ess on September 14, 2015, we decided to recreate the video. Same location, same stroller, Minnesota Parent baby issue (2016). What a year!



Ess wanted to wear a tutu on her walk.

Bear Cereal

Bear Cereal

Ess calls the little cereal pieces in the orange snack container “bear cereal” since there’s a picture of a panda bear on the side of the box.

Pink Shirt

Pink Shirt

I took this before we went in to the RV show at the Minnneaplis Convention Center. Ess is holding what she calls ‘mama’: a hot pink Under Armour shirt of Mykala’s that Ess, out of the blue, began to use as a security blanket of sorts. In fact, she’s holding it as she sleeps right now. Anyway, we needed a way for Ess to be able to hold the blanket as we strolled around; Mykala thought to tuck it into the straps.

Fall Sunset

Fall Sunset

Light Reading