

You are viewing stuff tagged with speech.

Another Song

When the music ends, since it is usually playing from a music library or a streaming radio station, Ess expects another piece to begin playing:

“‘nother hong coming!”

She says it to Mykala, she says it to me. It’s very sweet. I do not recall her once getting upset when we couldn’t make another song start playing. It might be the only thing Ess feels particularly patient about right now. Our very toddlery toddler.


Ess-to-English translator, October, 2016 edition:

pump-pump — pumpkin
keem — diaper cream
carefiff — carrot

hot-dong — carefiff dogs made by Mykala by marinating carrots, served on a bun; (they are DELICIOUS)



Ess just called cotton “unk-unk”.


If you ask Ess to say the word “carrot” she’ll say care-fiff. It makes us laugh every single time.

And for Ess, the word “straw” is pronounced ffraw.


Yesterday, I received a funny update from Mykala about Ess:

We are playing with Mr. Potato Head, and she grabbed the purse and walked away saying, “Buh-bye hat, bye ear, bye tongue!”

Ess’s enunciation still isn’t great, so you have to imagine that ear sounds something like EEwuh.



“Yep, and what’s that on top of it?”


Ess doesn’t have her T sounds yet, so when she says “pink water bottle” it comes out “pink wahgle boggle.” She loves that water bottle, so we get to hear this a lot.

Advice for High School Grads

I’ve saved a bunch of articles from the beginning of the summer, and now I am making my way through them. The first: Advice for High School Graduates from The Conversation Blog at the New York Times. The blog is like sitting around a dinner table with two knowledgeable, witty, opinionated folks: David Brooks and Gail Collins, both columnists at the Times. In this piece, Brooks requests help from Collins, as he will soon make a commencement speech at a high school. He laments some sizable gaps in the education options available:


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Vince Lombardi

Flogged to within an inch of its life by corporate plaque-makers and mail-order companies, I still think the spirit of Vince Lombardi’s famous speech on winning survives:

Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all the time thing. You don’t win once in a while; you don’t do things right once in a while; you do them right all the time.


Charlton Heston: Commencement Address

I’m not sure I agree with all the points in Charlton Heston’s speech to Harvard Law School’s class of ‘99 entitled “Winning the Cultural War,” but I do think he makes some good observations:
