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Dr. Oz, on Patients

Dr. Oz, on learning to treat patients once you become a doctor:

When I went into medicine, I assumed, by the time I was done with medical school, I would understand it all. We think that if we study hard enough, we’ll understand how the whole body works. Then you go into practice and someone sits across from you, very sophisticated, smart person, and they haven’t read the book you have read. They have symptoms, and problems, and complaints that just don’t fit what you’ve actually learned seems to be how the body works. So you have two ways of dealing with that — you can assume they’re crazy and ignore them, or you can say “you know what, I think there’s something else going on out there.” So, now, there are a lot of physicians who seem to believe there is something to it [acupressure].


Happiness: Simultaneously Concrete and Ethereal

Mykala directed me to some information that she saw on a recent Oprah show about happiness called “How Happy are You?” She had some good quotes from it.

We have beliefs about ourselves and our lives, and our perception gathers evidence in support of these beliefs. If you believe that your life isn’t satisfying or that you are a failure, you will look around for ways that this is true. If you believe that life is fulfilling and you are a worthy and significant person, you’ll find evidence to prove this case.


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