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I read a bit in The New Yorker today about how photographs “can freeze time, but never stop it.” To that end, we sold our townhouse, and this is one of the listing pictures we took.


Journal entries for a formerly-secret-now-public baby on the way

3 December, 2013

Dear baby,

Today we found out that you are our baby. We love you already. Your mama went to the doctor’s office and they took your first picture. You are very small right now, just the length of a grain of rice — a “basmati grain of rice,” your mom said. I hope that someday you might read what I am writing and it might give you some insight into that mysterious time when your parents were young and not even five years into their marriage. We love one another so so much, and we want you to be in our family.



We’re thinking about moving houses soon. It’s been a great run at our little duplex spot here on Warwick in Minneapolis, but we moved here out of necessity back when I was in school. Five very short years later and we’ve outgrown the space. I’ll have quite a bit to say about it when we actually move, I really enjoyed my Cretin retrospective, and I think I’ll enjoy writing a Warwick one, too.

Moving and Pictures

Now I’ll bet you’re wondering why I haven’t posted some new pictures for a while, aren’t you? Me, too. See, these really big birds came by and snatched the camera from my hands when I was trying to take a picture of a… no, no, that’s not it. Well, the answer is quite simple, really — I just finished moving out to Saint Paul, into my first apartment off campus. Moving into your own place where you cook your own meals is particularly difficult since kitchens need many many many many little items to make things work. You can run scenarios through in your head all you want, but really you just have to attempt to cook something, then write down everything you don’t have. The resulting list can get long.


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Hardwood Floors

Things have been crazy moving Ryan and Mykala into their new apartment. Trips to Target, Ikea, Saver’s, have all been successful in furnishing their new digs. My first trip to Ikea was more overwhelming than I thought it would be, but I am particularly impressed with some of their items (100% virgin wool area rugs, for one). In the moving process, I’ve learned about steam cleaning (specifically, lime deposits from dried hard water are REALLY REALLY HARD and clog things up REALLY BADLY), old toilets, lead dust, water filtering, utilities, security, and hanging things on old walls. To that final point:


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