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KT Tunstall

NPR is great because it has interviews where the interviewers actually research their guests and ask them good questions. So, it’s interesting to hear this: NPR Music: KT Tunstall: Greater Than the Sum of Her Sounds. Sure, we hear some great studio recordings of Tunstall songs, but you actually learn something interesting and useful things about the artist. I’ve had this up in my browser for over a month, so I’m glad to have finally gotten the chance to listen. That said, the NPR music site is a really high quality integration of articles, samples, and full interviews. Color me impressed.


Put your hands up if you dig live pedal looping. Check it out on YouTube with KT Tunstall and her performance of Black Horse And The Cherry Tree. You only have to watch the beginning because… I know you’ve already heard the song 56,000 times.

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