

You are viewing stuff tagged with japaneseculture.

Spring Roll

Spring Roll

Mykala made some delicious spring rolls. As a food model, I have a very VERY long way to go. I don’t think an intense look, grimacing, open maw, and shaggy hair do much to help a food product. Despite all that, it still looks delicious.

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Sleep & Inemuri

Very few folks are getting enough sleep, that’s certainly clear. There are different ways to cope with chronic tiredness, though the time pressure in most jobs (anything from studenthood to parenthood to careerhood) is rather intense. It’s interesting to see how the Japanese culture has adapted:


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Bonsai Pictures

I never knew that bonsai trees could look so stunningly realistic. Certainly, they are very real and alive tiny trees, but the trimming and maintenance patterns employed in this example by John Naka are tree-mendous. Ha! The caption for that linked picture:


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Crazy Japanese Case

Crazy Japanese Case - Beautiful, with a bamboo water color, hand fit joints, and shoji doors. Phenomenal.