Chemistry Notes

I tape the important stuff to my wall so I can look up at it as a reference.
I tape the important stuff to my wall so I can look up at it as a reference.
I think Alex Oray summed up the zeitgeist of school right now:
How many opportunities does a person get to bomb 2 exams back to back? Cherish every moment folks.
True insight, he has.
Time without updating the website sure flies when you are busy with school. That said, I am indeed busy with school. I have to hand it to mother nature, though - today is a perfect winter day. Big fluffy flakes have been gently falling all day, the air is cold but not too windy, Christmas music from the little cafe in the science building can be heard echoing off the concrete floors, spreading cheer to floors above and below. I will be doing homework between now and the beginning of Christmas break, but nevertheless I am sure something exciting will happen to me that I will be able to write about. In the meantime, here’s a quick Dane Cook bit I had to type. (My favorite is the part about the exhaust.)
Long hours of studying take their toll on creativity.
Quoth Nils: “Ok, you know what has to stop? This whole “update once a week” thing. How about daily, or tri weekly? Come on!” A valid point, sir, though homework has been brutal. Here I am, back for a little bit, though I will again be absent from tumbledry for some time in preparation for another test. Have no fear, though, updates are set to appear in the following days, so you all will not go without. Truth be told, I have been in the process of reinventing my homework attack method. I must thank many people in my life for being ever-so-patient with me throughout this process: it is certainly not an overnight change. I will be struggling and learning throughout the rest of this semester, but it is in this much more strictly time-managed direction that I must point my life. I’ve been almost fearful to outline this goal of mine, for fear that doing so will somehow jinx my efforts, but I find that describing what I am trying to do gives me a better idea of how to do it. I’m getting there.
Oh guys. Oh faithful readers of tumbledry. I am lost. On the rollercoaster of life I’m in the inverted underground pitch black tunnel portion wherein one loses all sense of direction and only knows one thing: there’s a way out.
Thankfully, there’s solace in the analogy, for a rollercoaster of life puts you on a track … and the track that I think I am on leads out of the aforementioned analogy-heavy tunnel. The best ways to save time in college are (1) owning a bike and (2) sleeping. The first, I think, is self-explanatory - but the second makes you so much more efficient at getting things done that you simply would not believe it. Oh, and libraries. Wow.
I found out what my scheduling slash time management problem is.
1.) I need to organize my to-do lists into discrete blocks of time. This will allow me to actually get everything done.
2.) In order to help with part one: I need to reduce perfectionism. My problem has been thinking “I can’t do this to the N’th degree of perfection, so I’ll do something lower on the priority list” … this leads to a rough cycle of anger at myself for not completing tasks, and further reduction in productivity.
I brought this desk up 10 flights of stairs so I had room to study - it’s been nothing but worth it.
I was cleaning out my planner and found this: it’s what my planner looked like at the end of last semester. I do hope this is not repeated in subsequent semesters - more work, but more organized, perhaps?