

You are viewing stuff tagged with hammock.

Baby Own

Whenever Ess wants to do something by herself, she says “baby own”, or a lot of times “NO baby-OWN!” Here, she was in good spirits, and wanted to baby own in the hammock.


Kourtni and Arlene have this portable hammock that is designed for backpacking — you can sling it up anywhere you find two trees. Ess loves it.

Now Into Next

The pollen outside today was actually visible. It was raining pollen onto the car, and I could see many little granules of it running in delicate rivulets down the glass. Surprisingly, both Mykala and I seem to either be getting used to the constant congestion of allergy season or our bodies are adjusting. Mykala might have mono, and by extension so might I. Both of us have histories of remarkably poor ear nose and throat health. My future children (not yet on the way, though Mykala and I frequently talk about you in the abstract), if you are reading this, I am very sorry for your ears — you can blame both myself and your mother.
