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On Search

In late 2005, a Marquette dental school student was suspended over blog posts which were critical of classmates and teachers at the writer’s school. No specific names were mentioned by the writer, but the punishments doled out by Marquette were extremely severe. Loss of scholarship, suspension, community service, demands for a public apology. This (as the article puts it) “draconian” reaction to public expression has caused me to remove tumbledry from public search engines. As a dental student, I’d prefer not to deal with the hassle of defending everything I write to a professional review committee. So, as of a few days ago, no Google search for my name, the phrase tumbledry, Mykala, etc. will pull up this page. Nope. We’re completely unlisted.


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Losing Faith in Humanity

Let’s speak metaphorically for a second and say I own a rock labeled “faith in humanity” — well, an event today is responsible for taking a sharp chisel and hammering off a large chunk from said rock. Here’s what happened.

The search box in Firefox pulls results from something called “Google Suggest”. Here’s a description of the feature from Google (emphasis mine):


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Google now included in Oxford English Dictionary

Google now included in Oxford English Dictionary - It’s a real live verb now. Officially.

Most expensive adwords

Most expensive adwords - The top two most expensive adwords phrases are “school loan consolidation” and “college loan consolidation.”

Via Mike Davidson

Google’s GMail

Suddenly, I am hearing all sorts of rumors about this GMail. I originally read about it at Good Morning, Silicon Valley and immediately went to go check it out. Apparently, Google’s service will focus on archiving messages and then applying their search technology to it. The cost? Free. The space? 1000 megabytes. Yes, 1000 megabytes of email. My Hotmail account contains pretty typical sized collection of emails, and it has stored 317 messages in 930 kilobytes. Thus, 1000 megabytes would store around 340,860 email messages. For free! There has also been a rumor going around that this is an April Fool’s joke. A pretty good joke, if it is.


Google Redesign

I thought it was just me, but Google has, indeed, redesigned. While the product is most definitely evolutionary and not revolutionary, I agree with this article that the purpose is to polish and shine the service a bit more prior to Google’s IPO.
