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Roxane Gay, writing at The New York Times:

These are adults, so let us treat them like adults. Let us acknowledge that they want to believe nonsense and conjecture. They want to believe anything that affirms their worldview. They want to celebrate a leader who allows them to nurture their basest beliefs about others. The biggest challenge of our lifetime will be figuring out how to combat the American willingness to embrace flagrant misinformation and bigotry.


An Experiment

This is an experiment. I will now post the following to my Facebook account:

The only thing I want more than a really good Democratic presidential candidate is a Republican one.

Likely response: apathy. Time will tell, though.

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Sitting here studying histology. This is the third time I’ve heard celebratory shouts and whoops from the St. Paul streets outside. What do these whooping people support? I don’t know! I’ve sworn off looking at election returns until I get some more studying done.

The suspense has almost killed me.

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Conservative for Obama

Wick Allison is the former publisher of The National Review, which describes itself as “America’s most widely read and influential magazine and web site for Republican/conservative news, commentary, and opinion.” So, you may be interested in Mr. Allison’s recent article, A Conservative for Obama:


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Long Week + Elections

This has been the longest shortest week I can remember — that is to say, the days have been very long, to the point that I can scarcely differentiate Monday from Tuesday from Wednesday and so on. The days just blur from one to the next… I can feel my mind, like a muscle in training, becoming better and better at learning (which is helpful) but I feel my body become more and more tired. And so… I’m off to the library in a minute to see how long I can study there.


Obama’s Speech

You know that speech by Obama? The one that tackled race in America head-on? The really good one? Here’s a spot of commentary from Daily Kos: State of the Nation:


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Election 2008: Super Tuesday

The more I have learned and grown as a world citizen and the more the seeds of a liberal arts education have germinated within my brain, the more I have realized the incredible gift of a democratic government that we have here in the United States. That’s not to say my ignorance of the election system isn’t shocking — in fact, today I read through the Wikipedia article about Super Tuesday to understand what, exactly, happens on this day:


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This will be useful next election

This will be useful next election - Too bad I didn’t hear about this sooner - it looks like a good resource during election times.

One of the best blog posts of all time

One of the best blog posts of all time - It starts like a made up story, but continues with all the humor and twists only real life can provide.