

You are viewing stuff tagged with drawing.


When we draw with chalk on the driveway, Ess doesn’t call it “drawing” or “coloring” — her preferred term is “chalkin’”.

“We’re chalkin’, Mama!”

Another Sketch

Another Sketch

Sketch of Modern End

Sketch of Modern End

Little Characters

These little hand drawn characters are adorable, though they are “a blatant rip-off of Lewis Trondheim’s style.” Still, very nice. My favorite of this series is probably “The Pessimistic Rector.” By the excellent artist Meng Shui.


It is difficult to describe to you the awesomeness that is encompassed by a series of posts over at The Sneeze blog: the intrepid author goes on a hilarious journey of his father’s artistic endeavors. From the introduction, you know it’s going to be good:
