
Mid-Century Television Sets

An interesting introduction to the world of set designing for TV: you get 8500 square feet of space and 8 weeks during which you have to assemble a convincing (and in this case obsessively accurate) reproduction of a 1960’s office. Read more about this project at Dwell Blog - “Mid-Century Madness .” What I find particularly cool:


Wide Kitchen

Wide Kitchen

This is how you take pictures of rooms if you are selling a house: high up, wide angle, well lit with multiple light sources.


They should have a store that sells Harry Potter themed furniture named Potter Barn.

50/50 Sheets

50/50 Sheets - With a lovely red line down the middle, so you never have an argument about who is stealing covers.

Dart Coat Hooks

Dart Coat Hooks - Coat hooks that look like giant darts somebody threw into the wall are super, in my estimation.


Cribcandy - Some of it’s unpleasantly ultra modern, but you can’t beat gems like the siamese light bulb.

Stunning glass and chrome clock

Stunning glass and chrome clock - A glass sandwich joined by the chrome mechanism of the clockwork joins a front etched panel to a mirror on the back.

Cool leather sofas

Cool leather sofas - By Italsofa. Saw these in a new lounge at St. Thomas …



Lace Curtains

Lace Curtains



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I Love Lamp

I Love Lamp

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Bizarre Flair

Bizarre Flair

On the wall of Buca.





Jesus Nook

Jesus Nook

Mykala bought the Mary at a thrift store.

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Wall Flower

Wall Flower

A great find from Urban Outfitters decorates a new apartment wall.

Rose Poster

Rose Poster

110 sheets of paper were used to blow up an image from previously in this photo gallery.