

You are viewing stuff tagged with crash.

Unbelievably icy streets

Unbelievably icy streets - I don’t usually do YouTube video links … but holy cow this home movie of cars repeatedly slamming into one another is unbelievable.

Things I Have Seen

A massive audience welcomes Conan O'Brien to Chicago. Come to Minneapolis, Conan!

And now, tumbledry presents things I have seen in the past couple of days. Thing 1: I saw Conan O’Brien doing his opening show of the week in Chicago. The audience was huge and almost out of control. It was like a rock concert sometimes. Mr. T gave Conan a tour of the city and other hijinks ensued. Late Night is such great television. I watched the show for longer than I had intended to, but the time was well spent. You may ask the question “why does a show go on the road” but I would counter with … why not?


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