

You are viewing stuff tagged with christmas.



Mykala and Ess

Mykala and Ess

Pandemic Christmas Tree Shopping

Pandemic Christmas Tree Shopping

Essie in a Sleigh

Essie in a Sleigh



We got a Siberian Fir tree this year and the smell is SPECTACULAR. Mykala said the smell is slightly fruity, which is precisely what the articles online say. Essie is helping to trim it here. It’s our first Christmas season in the new house. More to say, more to write, more to post, but she’s sleeping soundly upstairs and we’re watching a Christmas movie down here and maybe it’ll all be alright.

We Wish You Could Merry Christmas

Essie sings it “We wish you could Merry Christmas” and it is perfect.

Christmas 2017

Christmas 2017


This is Sally. Sally is a mallard duck. Ess asked for Sally for Christmas. We love Sally.



Hard to get Ess to take a non-silly photo sometimes.

Essie at Christmas, Age 3

Essie at Christmas, Age 3

Ugly Ornament

Ugly Ornament

So we went to Target and we had this great idea: everyone could pick out an ornament. We didn’t realize Ess would find the scariest-looking, oddest thing we’ve ever seen. Now, of course, this will be an important part of our tree for every Christmas to come.



Dancing to Jingle Bells

The Night Before Christmas

Essie recites The Night Before Christmas based on her memory of our reading it to her.

Christmas Party 2018

Christmas Party 2018

Heading out for the office Christmas party.

Christmas Tree 2018

Christmas Tree 2018

Notice Inspector Flamingo, all tucked in in the corner.

Dancing to Jingle Bells

When it isn’t even November, but your three-year-old wants you to play Jingle Bells so she can dance to it, that’s what you do.

Christmas Day Night

Christmas Day Night

Very tired after a long Christmas Day. Notice Essie’s blue and pink toothbrushes. They are her friends, she shows them things, and their names are “Bluey” and “Pink Toothbrush”.

Todd Parr

“Todd!” Ess knows what Todd Parr’s books look like.

More Christmas

A few nights ago, Mykala drove us around to look at Christmas lights. Ess sang Christmas songs in the back. She took off her boots and then her socks, like she always does. Then she told us about how one of her feet was cold:

“Mama foot cold. Mama foot not under the blanket. Mama foot is cold.”
“Ess, did you take off your boot?”
*30 seconds of silence*

