
About Me

When it comes to my hair, less is more. The complications in maintenance that arise as a result of this mantra are numerous. For one, my bank account does not work the same way. More is, in fact, more, there. Therefore, haircuts have a negative effect on it. Oh, and less hair means your head is cold in cold weather. Even if you let the hair on your head grow out, it is still expensive. Take your face: electric shaving is cheaper than blade style, but you lose self-respect when you go electric. Who knows.


The District Sleeps Alone Tonight

Ummmmmmmmmmmm. Umm. Ummm! Ummm? Ummmmmm. Hum. Erm. Barrrrgh. Edet. Deeee bop. Burrrrr? These are the sounds of me debating whether to start a hidden version of this site, one where I share everything that is on my mind in a completely straightforward no-nonsense manner. In reality, it would not be that hard, I would take the current “life” posts and any future ones, and password-protect their viewing. Any hard-core hackers who really did want my personal logs could probably force their way in, and that wouldn’t particularly bother me; I wouldn’t post social security numbers or my current location via GPS coordinates. But really, Erin made a great argument for journals: they help you clarify your thoughts and realize what you are really thinking. Thing is, the front page of this site really used to be traffic-free: no one visited. Now, traffic has certainly increased, but it’s more that people I know visit. One possible option could be to wait for the people I know to get bored with visiting and then I could resume personal details. However, I do feel I could be more honest about my life if I knew that everything I said would not escape the confines of the digital realm.


My New Celica*

Sometimes luck is on your side. In this case, we dumped the old red van and bought a brand new silver Celica GT-S, manual. It even has a sunroof, which everyone knows I have a weakness for, and it is a vast improvment over the 1997 Mercury Villager I was previously stuck in. John recently captured my new-car glee on his cell:


Color Television

I ran across some interesting things whilst perusing the Sunday paper today. First of all, the color TV has turned 50 and an article celebrating the joys of color was written to mark the momentous occasion. So Americans watch, on average, 70 days per year of TV. That’s all well and good - la dee dah. But, what about this quote from the grandma who wants to keep her grandchild occupied in the car:
